Thursday, March 18, 2010

ENG 102-3. Research Paper

I sent an email to Sonja about my topic but I want to write about it a bit more spesificly. We have to prepare the annotated bibliographies. I am going to write about the stereotypes which has the question " Analyse how a particular cultural group of your choice is typically stereotyped within its own society and examine some of the implications of this stereotyping"
I am going to write about the Turks who live in Germany. I will analyze their cultural, social, physical and also their living conditions. During my research I will use cinema, media and book sources. I want to write about that topic because some of my friends from my high school are now living in Germany for studying at some universities. I have some films in my mind which are directed by Fatih Akın.


  1. Sounds great! And I love Fatih Akin's films ;)

  2. me too and now these films are going to help me for my essay=)
