Monday, April 12, 2010

ENG 102-9. The Lottery

The presentation of Hazal , Nazlı and Sevda was very friendly. Thanks to the team:)
I found the story very interesting and I want to talk about the some points which are stock in my mind. First of all the irony of the story is very clear tha lottery day is sunny and clear but the action is a dark and depressive. The black box is symbolize the death and I remember the role of the names in the story Mr. Graves means the death and opposingly Mr Summers is the model of the story:)

ENG 102-8. Guest Workers and Günter Wallraff

Hi again,
I also want to talk about the picture and the meaning of it. This picture is from the book cover of Günter Wallraf, who disguised himself as a Turk worker in Germany and he is a popular German writer. He became Ali and looked for a job and he saw the hard life conditions of German Turks. This book, Ganz Unten (At the Bottom)( En Alttakiler),is very nice and interesting book for learning the life conditions of Germans, Turks and also the guest workers in Germany as Turks.

Germans said that they wanted "workers" not individuals. Germans made health controls to Turks which were very pejorative such as wrote line numbers on the bodies of Turks, looked every little points on their bodies etc.

ENG 102-7. Stereotyping

Last night I finally finished my essay, which is about stereotyping of German Turks. I had a chance to make many researches about that topic and I found interesting points about that topic.
First, stereotyping is a public acceptance about specific social class. It is a subjective hypothesis, which we learned that in SPS 102. The philosopher Sayid said that West is the objective one, who talks instead of the subjective East. In that case public is the subject and the object is the stereotypes. German Turks are stereotyping because of their education level, physical aspect and social differences. In addition many Germans do not like Turks as guest workers at all. They gave hard works which needed physical strength and these works were unhealthy for them. I think these seperations between different cultural groups will be live in a harmony in future as Amin Maalouf stated that.

ENG 102-6. End of the hard weeks

Hi everyone
I know I didn't write much these last two weeks because I have many exams and presentation in ENG102. I am really sure about that I hate HIST 192 and SPS 102. If I can pass these lectures that will be the best present ever :P Ohh.. I just forgot that I wrote my first draft of the research paper. I realize that I studied as much as I did for ÖSS. It was too hard that I was expected. I hope the schedule will be fewer that this semester. I hope that everybody cann pass the exams and have good points:)