Saturday, May 22, 2010

ENG 102-12. Search for love

In the book "The Bluest eye" the characters Pauline, Pecola and Cholly are searching for love. But I want to ask what is love for YOU? What should it contains? In my opinion love is really special and personal. There is a kind of love which the love to your mom, dad, sister etc. The other one is the love to your boy-, girlfriend. Additionally love contains respect, compassion apprehension to lose, sacrifies and honesty. The lover afraids to touch because the affraid of hurting your loved one. It is not enough to define it but I want to mention the aspects of love contraverselly the understand of Cholly's love. There is no excuse Cholly's action. He raped his daughter twice and impregnant her also takes her virginity. What kind of love is that? I am really confused. I am also sad for Cholly because as Claudia mentioned in the book he is dangerously free. He felt so unworthy actually felt nothing even love or hate. So he doesn't knoe the love between dad and daughter or son so Cholly can't understand the love of the child and touched his Pecola. Cholly touched her and harm her but he cannot comprehend that.


  1. Beautiful picture..

    There is another type of love, which is that of a teacher for her students. :)) This is the type of love that makes you feel you would do anything to see them succeed and you delight in their discoveries..and you learn from them as well.

  2. =) ohh just foget that sorry=) Maybe there are many kind of loves on the earth but every kind is good in the way it is=) thanks by the way=)
